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Single provider of IT services

Domodedovo IT Services was established by consolidating the multiple
IT units and is a single provider
of all major IT services at the airport.


  • support and maintenance of the IT infrastructure:
    • data processing center (DPC) compliant with the international standard TIA-942;
    • servers;
    • storage space;
    • data networks.
  • otelecommunications services;
  • support of low-voltage systems;
  • maintenance of information systems for various applications;
  • technical support to users.

In order to improve fault and disaster resilience of the information systems and infrastructural IT services, virtualization technology and high-performance disk arrays are used. To ensure high efficiency in the interaction between the airport's units, digital operative dispatch communications and TETRA digital trunked radio are used.

First in Russia CLF (Common Language Facility) system was implemented standardizing the work of agents: the staff processes passenger data in different DCS host systems using a single graphical user interface and standard operations

The team consists of highly skilled IT specialists providing continuous support to the airport's IT services.

Development plans:

  • expansion of the Data Processing Center;
  • improving stability of the aeronautical fixed telecommunications network (AFTN);
  • upgrades to the corporate VoIP telephony.

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