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Refueling facility

Domodedovo Fuel Services is one of the largest aircraft refueling operators in Russia and CIS.

The main function is safe aircraft refueling with standard jet fuel and lubricants meeting the international standards.

Domodedovo Fuel Services is a member of the Committee on Jet Fuels and Lubricants of the Airport Association of Civil Aviation and a member of the Association for Jet Fuel Supply to Civil Aircraft.

Key responsibilities:

  • refueling aircraft with jet fuel and special fluids in accordance with Russian and international standards;
  • reception, storage, pumping and transfer, and preparation for delivery to jet fuel and special fluids pumps;
  • reception, storage, preparation fueling of vehicles;
  • quality control of jet and motor fuel and lubricants and special fluids.


  • a high-tech laboratory capable of a full range of tests of jet fuel, special fluids and vehicle fuel throughout the entire process chain (including incoming, reception, storage and airfield control);
  • equipment used is the only of its kind in Russia and CIS; deicing fluid, chemical water treatment and deicer filling stations;
  • tank farms for receiving, storage, and preparation of jet fuel before delivery to aircraft with a total capacity of nearly 32,000 m3.


Domodedovo Fuel Services has a fleet of modern fuel trucks:

  • high-performance mobile refueling vehicles of European brands (some have lifting platforms);
  • imported fuel trucks with capacities ranging from 10 to 60 m3 for filling all types of Russian-made and foreign aircraft, including Airbus A380;
  • unique low-silhouette fuel trucks with a capacity of 18 m3 for direct refueling of medium-haul aircraft such as Airbus A319 and Airbus A320.

The existing fleet allows refueling up to 500 aircraft per day.

Fuel trucks and refueling equipment are regularly replaced and upgraded.

Jet fuel and special liquids

In refueling of aircraft jet fuel TC-1 and RT sourced in Russia and approved for use on aircraft with turboprop and turbojet engines, including Pratt&Whitney and General Electric.

Services include procurement and storage of new generation deicing liquids of type 1 (Octafloeg) and 4 (MaxFlight).

Fuel supply system at Moscow Domodedovo Airport is the most modern in Russia and CIS in terms of both the available equipment and technology.

Refueling operations at Moscow Domodedovo Airport

Year: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Refueling, tons: 1101639 1060270 1112100 1272018 1338471 1152661 1362256 1524608 1506812 1561304 1653472 1419411 1206922 1264547

Development plans:

  • implementation of an automated fuel accounting system in order to optimize jet fuel settlement.
  • the system will improve the measurement accuracy of the jet fuel delivered and stored and availability of information and will reduce costs through efficient planning; upgrades to the automatic control system of centralized aircraft refueling to improve industrial safety at the jet fuel facilities at the airport;
  • expansion and upgrades to the refueling equipment.


Moscow Region 142015, Bldg 22, Domodedovo Airport, Domodedovo

+7 495 967-89-74
+7 495 787 86 51 (fax)