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Property Developers

Moscow Domodedovo Airport is inviting investors to contribute to the development of a unique town-planning design – Aerotropolis DME,
covering an area of over 16,000 ha adjacent to the airport.

Moscow Domodedovo Airport offers following advantages:

Annual passenger traffic of 28,3 million — the largest among the airports of Russia and Eastern Europe by the end of 2019.

One of the top 10 airports in Europe by the number of flights and destinations.

Consistently nominated « The Best Airport in Eastern Europe » and "The Best Airport in Russia and CIS"
over the last 6 years by the independent rating agency Skytrax.

Aerotropolis offers following advantages:

A new town-planning design, the only one of its kind in Russia..
Urban infrastructure and facilities and business opportunities are concentrated within 25 km from the airport.

5 key facts to be considered when deciding on establishing business presence at Aerotropolis DME:

Aerotropolis DME has an area of 16,000 ha.

A selection of sites based on business needs.

Advantageous geographical location

Proximity to the Airport offering fast direct transport links to suppliers, customers, and partners around the world, as well as to Moscow, a major market.

High transport connectivity

The red lines of the lots face the federal highways M4 Don, A105 Moscow - Domodedovo Airport, A107 Moscow Minor Ring Road and border on the Central Ring Road under construction. Rail links between central Moscow, Moscow Domodedovo Airport, and the south of Russia will be further developed.

Availability of skilled labor.

Moscow Region offers a highly trained workforce. 71% of the employed Domodedovo residents have a university degree or vocational training.

High and intermediate value added.

As indicated by the global experience, businesses typical of aerotropolises are involved in high and intermediate added value creation chains.

What we offer:

  • long-term land lease - up to 49 years (extension possible);
  • registration of the tenant's ownership title to the real property built;
  • real property built may act as a collateral.

Contact us:

We are always available to discuss your business development opportunities at Aerotropolis:

Aleksey Ulitin
Sales Development Director of Moscow Aerotropolis and Airport City

+7 985 143-02-40

Pavel Agarkov
Deputy Sales Development Director of Moscow Aerotropolis and Airport City

+7 967 143-02-70

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