Moscow Domodedovo Airport is inviting investors to contribute to the development of a unique town-planning design - Aerotropolis DME - the only one of its kind in Russia. Urban infrastructure and facilities and business opportunities are concentrated within 25 km from the airport.
What we offer:
- long-term land lease - up to 49 years (extension possible);
- registration of the tenant's ownership title to the real property built;
- real property built may act as a collateral.
Aerotropolis DME offers red line lots covering a total of 670 ha , facing the federal highways: A105 Moscow - Domodedovo Airport, M4 Don, and A107 Moscow Minor Ring Road. Red line lots are reserved for public and business facilities: hotels, offices, exhibition centers, shopping malls, and roadside services - gas stations, fast food restaurants, parking lots, car services, etc. Second line lots are for warehouses, assembly plants, etc.

71 ha in the vicinity of Churilkovo
- 12 km from the Moscow Ring Road;
- 10 km from Moscow Domodedovo Airport.
Red line lots face the federal highway A105 Moscow - Domodedovo Airport.

36 ha in the vicinity of Kotlyakovo
- 13.5 km from the Moscow Ring Road;
- 8.5 km from Moscow Domodedovo Airport.
Red line lots face the federal highway A105 Moscow - Domodedovo Airport.

41 ha in the vicinity of Kolychevo
- 13.5 km from the Moscow Ring Road;
- 8.5 km from Moscow Domodedovo Airport.
Red line lots face the federal highway A105 Moscow - Domodedovo Airport.

127 ha in the vicinity of Voevodino
- 15.5 km from the Moscow Ring Road;
- 6.5 km from Moscow Domodedovo Airport.
Red line lots face the federal highway A105 Moscow - Domodedovo Airport.
Amenities nearby:
free car park offering roadside infrastructure and shopping.

57 ha in the vicinity of Yam
- 15 km from the Moscow Ring Road;
- 15 km from Moscow Domodedovo Airport;
- 1 km from Kashira Highway;
- 2.5 km from the highway M4 Don.
Amenities nearby:
Naiada industrial site, Golden Line warehouse, building supplies market.

194 ha in the vicinity of Aviatsionny District, Domodedovo
- 24 km from the Moscow Ring Road;
- 7 km from Moscow Domodedovo Airport;
- 1.5 km from the train station Vzletnaya;
- 5 km from the Moscow Minor Ring Road A107.
The land is within the city limits of Domodedovo (Aviatsionny and Vostryakovo Districts) and is adjacent to the new Aviatsionny Bypass Road.

1.23 ha in the vicinity of Shishkino
- 17 km from the Moscow Ring Road;
- 5.1 km from Moscow Domodedovo Airport.
The red line of the lot faces the federal highway A105 Moscow - Domodedovo Airport.
Amenities nearby:
gas stations, 24/7 car park, public transit.

122.9 ha in the vicinity of Lovtsovo
- 24 km from the Moscow Ring Road;
- 7 km from Moscow Domodedovo Airport;
- 4 km from the train station Vzletnaya;
- 5 km from the highway A107.
The land is adjacent to the new Aviatsionny Bypass Road.

18 ha in the vicinity of the M4 Don
- 15 km from the Moscow Ring Road;
- 20 km from Moscow Domodedovo Airport;
- 3 km from Kashira Highway.
Adjacent to the M4 Don.
Contact us:

We are always available to discuss your business development opportunities at Aerotropolis:
Aleksey Ulitin
Sales Development Director of Moscow Aerotropolis and Airport City
Pavel Agarkov
Deputy Sales Development Director of Moscow Aerotropolis and Airport City