Answers are provided by specialists airport within two business days. For urgent matters, please call toll-free hotline 8 800 200-33-66
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Answers are provided by specialists airport within two business days. For urgent matters, please call toll-free hotline 8 800 200-33-66
Pressing “Send” you confirm your consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the Russian Federation legislation and the Confidentiality Policy.
The personal data privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) is applied to all information about the User received by LLC “DOMODEDOVO COMMERCIAL SERVICES” and/or entities belonging to the same corporate group as “DOMODEDOVO COMMERCIAL SERVICES” (hereinafter referred to as legal entities of “Moscow Domodedovo Airport” or “Moscow Airport DOMODEDOVO”) when the User is using any site, tool, program, application, product or service of Moscow Domodedovo Airport (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”) under any agreements and contracts between Moscow Domodedovo Airport and the User. The acceptance by the User of the Policy expressed by it within relations with one of the entities of Moscow Domodedovo Airport shall apply to the other entities of Moscow Domodedovo Airport.
The usage of the Services of Moscow Domodedovo Airport site implies unconditional consent of the User with the present Policy and with the conditions of processing of his/her personal data herein; in case of disagreement with these conditions, the User shall refrain from using the Services.
1. Users’ personal data processed by Moscow Domodedovo Airport
1.1. Within the present Policy, the term “User’s personal data” relates to:
1.1.1. Personal data provided by the User by himself/herself or upon registration (account creation) or using the Services of the site, including User’s personal data. The information which is required to provide the Services of the site is marked in a special way. All other information shall be provided by the User at his/her own discretion.
1.1.2. Data automatically reported to the Services of the site of Moscow Domodedovo Airport while using these Services with the help of the software installed on the User’s device, including IP-address, cookie file data, information on the User’s browser (or any other program providing access to the Services), technical features of the equipment and software used by the User, date and time of access to the Services, address of the requested pages and other detailed information.
1.1.3. Other information about the User which is to be processed in accordance with the conditions of using particular Services of the site of Moscow Domodedovo Airport.
1.2. The present Policy is applied only to the information processed while using the Services of Moscow Domodedovo Airport site and mobile applications. Moscow Domodedovo Airport does not control and does not bear responsibility for information processing by the third parties’ sites when the User follows external links available on the site of Moscow Domodedovo Airport, including search results.
1.3. Moscow Domodedovo Airport does not verify the validity of personal data provided by the User and does not have a possibility to estimate his/her legal capacity. However, Moscow Domodedovo Airport assumes that the User provides valid and adequate data and updates them. The consequences of the provision of invalid and inadequate data are defined in the Terms of Service of the site of Moscow Domodedovo Airport.
2. Purposes of Users’ personal data processing
2.1. Moscow Domodedovo Airport collects and stores only personal data necessary for the provision of the Services of the site or for the implementation of agreements and contracts with the User, excluding the cases when personal data is to be stored within a certain period of time in accordance with the legislation.
2.2. User’s personal data is processed by Moscow Domodedovo Airport for the following purposes:
2.2.1. Identification of the party within the framework of the Services, agreements and contracts with Moscow Domodedovo Airport;
2.2.2. Provision of customer-focused Services to the User and implementation of agreements and contracts;
2.2.3. Communication with the User, including notifications, requests and provision of information related to the usage of the Services, implementation of agreements and contracts, as well as processing of requests and applications from the User;
2.2.4. Improvement of the Services quality and user-friendliness, as well as development of new Services;
2.2.5. Targeting of marketing materials;
2.2.6. Implementation of statistical and other studies based on anonymous data;
2.2.7. Considering of employment opportunities for the User at Moscow Domodedovo Airport.
3. Conditions of Users’ personal data processing and disclosure to third parties
3.1. Moscow Domodedovo Airport stores Users’ personal data in accordance with the internal regulations for certain services.
3.2. The privacy of the User’s personal data is observed, except for cases when the User provides the personal data of his/her own free will for general public use. Using particular Services, the User admits that a certain part of his/her personal data comes into the public domain.
3.3. Moscow Domodedovo Airport is authorized to transfer User’s personal data among the entities of Moscow Domodedovo Airport and to third parties in the following cases:
3.3.1. The User has expressed his/her consent to such actions;
3.3.2. The transfer of the data is necessary to allow the User to apply a certain Service or to implement a certain agreement or contract with the User;
3.3.3. The transfer of the data is necessary to consider the applications of Users for the employment at Moscow Domodedovo Airport;
3.3.4. The transfer of the data is required by the Russian or any other applicable legislation within the procedure prescribed by law;
3.3.5. The transfer is required within the process of sale or any other transfer of business (in whole or its part). In this case, the purchaser acquires all the obligations to follow the conditions of the present Policy in respect to the received personal data;
3.3.6. In the result of processing the User’s personal data by means of their anonymization, the anonymous statistical data are obtained which shall be transferred to the third party for the implementation of the research, performance of activities or provision of services under the instruction of Moscow Domodedovo Airport.
3.4. During the processing of the User’s personal data, Moscow Domodedovo Airport shall be guided by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Personal Data”.
4. Editing and removal of personal data. Compulsory data storage
4.1. The User may at any moment edit (update, extend) the personal data provided by him/her or its part upon the request of the authorized representative. In this case, removal of the data can cause unavailability of certain Services of the site of Moscow Domodedovo Airport.
4.2. The rights under p. 4.1 of the present Policy can be restricted in accordance with the requirements of the legislation. In particular, such restrictions may oblige Moscow Domodedovo Airport to store the data edited or removed by the User for a period of time stipulated by the legislation, as well as to transfer such data to a governmental body in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law.
5. Processing of personal data using cookie files and counters
5.1. Cookie files transferred by the site of Moscow Domodedovo Airport to the User’s devices and vice versa can be used by Moscow Domodedovo Airport for the provision of customer-focused services to the User, for targeting of marketing materials shown to the User, for statistical and research purposes, as well as for improvement of the Services of the site of Moscow Domodedovo Airport.
5.2. The User is aware that the equipment and software used by him/her to visit websites can have a function prohibiting the operations with cookie files (for any sites or for particular ones), as well as a function to remove cookie files which have been received earlier.
5.3. Moscow Domodedovo Airport is authorized to state that the provision of a certain Service is possible only if the acceptance and acquisition of cookie files are allowed by the User.
5.4. The structure, content and specifications of the cookie file are defined by Moscow Domodedovo Airport and can be changed without prior notification of the User.
5.5. Counters provided by Moscow Domodedovo Airport within the Services can be used for the analysis of the User’s cookie files, for the collection and processing of statistical data on the usage of the Services, as well as for the assurance of the performance of the services in general and their particular functions. Technical specifications for counters are defined by Moscow Domodedovo Airport and can be changed without prior notification of the User.
6. Measures taken for the protection of the User’s personal data
6.1. Moscow Domodedovo Airport shall take any necessary, adequate and technical measures to assure protection of the User’s personal data from illegal or accidental access, elimination, changing, blocking, duplicating, distribution and from other illegal actions performed by third parties.
7. Change of the Privacy Policy. Applicable legislation
7.1. Moscow Domodedovo Airport is authorized to change this Privacy Policy. When the changes are made, it is necessary to specify the date of the latest update in the relevant version of the document. The revised version of the Policy is effective from the moment of its publishing, unless otherwise provided by the revised version of the Policy. The current version is always available on the following page
7.2. This Policy and relationship between the User and Moscow Domodedovo Airport resulting from the application of the Privacy Policy shall be regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
8. Feedback. Questions and proposals
8.1. All proposals and questions on the present Policy can be submitted to the Customer Support Service of Moscow Domodedovo Airport ( or at the following address: 142015, Russia, Moscow Region, Domodedovo, the territory of Domodedovo Airport, building 1, LLC “DOMODEDOVO COMMERCIAL SERVICES”.
Publication date: March 23, 2017